《将进酒》唐·李白 Bring in the wine by Li Bai [Tang Dynasty]

Original Text



I have rendered this character-by-character annotation from personal knowledge. If you see any mistakes, please comment or contact.


Translation by Stephen Owen, 
from An Anthology of Chinese Literature

Look there!
The waters of the Yellow River
coming down from Heaven,
rush in their flow to the sea,
never turn back again.
Look there!
Bright in the mirrors of mighty halls
a grieving for white hair,
this morning blue-black strands of silk,
and now with evening turned to snow.
For satisfaction in this life
taste pleasure to the limit,
And never let a goblet of gold
face the bright moon empty.
Heaven bred in me talents,
and they must be put to use.
I toss away a thousand in gold,
it comes right back to me.
So boil a sheep,
butcher an ox,
make merry for a while,
And when you sit yourselves to drink, always
down three hundred cups.
Hey, Master Cen,
Ho, Dan-qiu,
Bring in the wine!
Keep the cups coming!
And I, I'll sing you a song,
You bend me your ears and listen--
The bells and drums, the tasty morsels,
It’s not these that I love--
All I want is to stay dead drunk
and never sober up.
The sages and worthies of ancient days
now lie silent now forever,
And only the greatest drinkers
have a fame that lingers on!
Once long ago
the Prince of Chen
held a party in Ping-le Lodge.
A gallon of wine cost ten thousand cash,
all the joy and laughter they pleased.
So you, my host,
How can you tell me you're short on cash?
Go right out!
Buy us some wine!
And I'll do the pouring for you!
Then take my dappled horse,
take my furs worth a fortune,
Just call for the boy to get them,
and trade them for lovely wine,
And here together we'll melt the sorrows
of all eternity!

3 Replies to “《将进酒》唐·李白 Bring in the wine by Li Bai [Tang Dynasty]”

    1. Some of the poems they select at the Chinese Eisteddfods every year are actually quite good! I remember doing 贺新郎·别茂嘉十二弟 by 辛弃疾 in Year 12 and it was a great experience.

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